Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Task 2b - The Journal Writing Experience

When I first started to keep a journal I tried my hardest to incorporate as many of the different journal writing styles as possible but ended up focusing on four main styles.  Those four styles being:

  • List
  • Description
  • Evaluation 
  • Diagrams

The first thing that I have done every day is to write a list.  I always start by listing what I consider to be the main points of my day.  I have found that writing this list starts my reflective writing process by encouraging me to start to analyse my day not only as a whole but also in sections.  From writing the initial list I then look to writing descriptively about each of the main points.  I try to include as much detail as I have found that when reflecting on something to hopefully make a change/improvement, it is commonly the small points that can hold a big influence over what the outcome was and also what the future course of action should be.  Whilst putting description to each of the points I will then evaluate each of the sections, something which I usually do as I go.  The reason that I include this as I go is to make sure that I am fully evaluating each section of my day without letting the the other sections hot influence over my reflection of that section.  The reason that I do this is because; to make sure I am working at my strongest I need to make sure that I am looking at everything I do individually, ensuring any actions which, on reflection, I decide should not be repeated again or should be repeated but differently can be fully evaluated.  Following this part of the process I then bring my whole day together to perform an evaluation of my day as a whole.  This commonly leads me into looking to what I would do differently should the various situations that I faced that day should present themselves again.  Sometimes I will follow this by the drawing of diagrams which, due to being a visual learner, I feel help me to view my day along with any differences I will make next to and the things I will be sure to repeat in one.  Below is an except taken from my journal which encompasses the techniques list, description and evaluation:

"Monday 4th 2013

  • Maths Revision 
  • Cover Sheet
  • Maths Exam
  • Finance Budget - Dance Show
  • N7 Cover
  • Personalised Training 
  • Rehearsals - Dance Show
I got to school early today as it's the day of my second maths exam.  This one was the calculator paper and I was feeling less confident and therefore went straight up to the maths department.  At 08:15 I had to check the cover sheet which told me that I was down to cover the nurture group, known as N7, period 4 today.  After seeing that I wasn't down to cover all day I then continued my maths revision and then went into the exam.  On reflection I feel that I could have spent more time practicing with the calculator to make sure that I was as prepared as I could have been and next time I will make sure that I spend as much time as possible before the exam.  Following the maths exam I needed to take a look at the finance budget for the upcoming dance show.  This involved looking at ticket sales, pricing up the money that had been spent on things like catering and programmes and making sure that we would be in profit by the end of it.  I had to make sure that I was speaking with Natasha and also Lynne to make sure that we were all on the same page.  The N7 group needed to be taught maths with the assistance from Fed.  The lesson focused on using times tables.  I was really proud of the fact that I was able to teach these students maths and it gave me real confidence in my ability and confidence in the exam that I had just sat.  On reflection, I feel that Fed could have been included in the lesson to a greater extent.  Next time I must make sure that he, as the allocated TA, is fully incorporated into the lesson.  Though he is a very able TA he does need assurance and instruction.  Monday is Personalised Training day, today training was cancelled and I was told that I didn't need to stay but due to the upcoming dance show I called in one of my groups to rehearse in the performance space.  Today was a really long day with lots of mixed emotions but in all I think I had a positive impact on the students that I came into contact with and also used all of my time to its full extent."  

On this day it is clear how the combination on the techniques have helped me explore my day.  So far I have found the journal writing process quite enjoyable and now see it as an extension of my day.  The main difficulty that I have experienced is finding the time to create that physical representation of my day in enough detail that it truly forms a reflective document, one which I can use for my own personal, professional development.  

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