After consulting with my course tutor, my colleagues and my peers through the use of a Facebook SIG, I have adapted some of my questions in the following ways and for the following reasons.
Original Question: In a time within education where A*-Cs in EBAC subjects mean so much to a school, do arts subjects still have a valid place within the education system?
Feedback: On of the main things that has kept coming up in my feedback from the majority of the people I have shared my questions with is that 'arts subjects' is far to vast and can result in different answers due to the hierarchy of importance placed on 'arts subjects' within education. I have also been told that I need to consider the context that I'm asking this question within, valid to who? What I'm trying to find out through exploring this question is how important the education system rates subjects such as Drama and Dance. I will need to look at what policies are in place within the education system and also search through these policies to find any relation between Drama and EBAC subjects.
Revised Question: What emphasis is given to the subject of Drama by current educational policy and how does this emphasis compare to the EBAC subjects?
Original Question: Why do we have arts subjects within education?
Feedback: The majority of people that I have shared this question with have said that the question is too general and could also be seen as both a simple or complex question to which an answer may, once again, be very general. I have decided to get rid of this question as feel my other questions are more specific and succinct.
Original Question: Are arts subjects more important within non-mainstream education?
Feedback: The first thing that became clear after receiving the feedback on this question is that I need to specify what I mean by 'non-mainstream'. Clarifying this within the question will help with the context of this question, making it more answerable. By 'non-mainstream' I refer to educational establishments that educate students that have either been excluded from a mainstream school or that cannot deal with attending a mainstream school. I also need to decide whose opinion I am searching for on the importance within this slanted education system. I think I am looking for the opinions of the people in charge of these establishments, however it will be hard for them to judge unless they have experience of being in charge of a mainstream school. I'm struggling with this question as I think there is a basis for an enquiry here but through further exploration of this question I'm unsure if the enquiry will actually be measurable.
Revised Question: Pending.
Original Question: In non-meainstream education, are arts subjects about teaching a skill that can be judged or developing the self?
Feedback: This question raised confusion due to the uncertainty placed once again on the term 'non-mainstream'. I am going to revise this question firstly by clarifying this term but then also ensure that this question is not leading in a particular direction.
Revised Question: When working with students with Behavioural, Emotional and Social difficulties (BESD), is teaching Drama about teaching a skill that can be judged or developing the Behavioural, Emotional and Social difficulties?
Original Question: In what ways do arts subjects help in getting students back into mainstream education?
Feedback: Again, an issue with this was the term 'arts subjects'. This term is vast and when different subjects within the arts are considered the answer could be completely different. I have decided that this question needs to be revised to make it more succinct and precise so an accurate enquiry could be made.
Revised Question: In what ways does Drama help in getting students back into mainstream education?
Original Question: Is it important to include Drama within the teaching of other subjects to subject active/kinaesthetic learners?
Feedback: The feedback suggests that this is my most secure question. When asking my colleagues for their feedback on this question it became apparent that many of them struggle with how to engage their active/kinaesthetic learners and therefore will now be working closely with all of teachers at work on how they can include different elements of Drama within their teaching. The main change to this question will be to remove the judging of importance due to the fact that it will differ depending on who is judging the importance. Instead, I will be adapting this question slightly to try an minimise this uncertainty.
Revised Question: Does the inclusion of Drama within other subjects support the learning and engagement of active/kinaesthetic learners?
Original Question: In what ways is the teaching of arts subjects different in mainstream education to the teaching of them in non-mainstream education?
Feedback: Similar feedback to this question as the other questions in regards to the term 'arts subjects'. I will change this to focus mainly on Drama. On reflection I am also thinking that this question is quite similar to my question focusing on students with BESD. I need to make sure the focus is on how the teaching practice is changed in order to suit these students who have either been removed or removed themselves from mainstream education.
Revised Question: In what way is the delivery of Drama different when delivering it to students in mainstream education to the delivery of it to students who have been either removed from mainstream education or removed themselves from it?
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